This revised edition of the Master Lesson Plan Book (and all editions of our Student Booklets) can be used with either the current (blue) or previous (brown) edition of Abeka's My State Notebook.
If you are using the new blue My State Notebook and have a previous edition of the Master Lesson Plan Book, please purchase a new Master Lesson Plan Book.
How to tell if you need a new lesson plan: If your lesson plan book does not say "2023 Edition" at the top of the Title Page, you have a previous edition that will not work with the new My State Notebook.
The Master Lesson Plan Book contains instructions for both editions of My State Notebook as well as instructions for making the project notebook in a 3-ring binder from scratch. Our lesson plan book allows you to easily adapt the course to your desired grade level and course length (grades 3-12). We provide a number of lesson plan options that allow you to use our course in the way best suited to your needs, including a teacher-directed thirty-lesson course (six weeks, expandable as desired using the Expansion Suggestions at the bottom of each day's lesson plan), a Six-Week Independent Study Guide (grades 7-12), and a One-Semester Independent Study Guide (grades 7-12). The thirty-lesson course includes instructions for the younger level, My State History Funbook, allowing you to easily teach combined levels simultaneously. If teaching more than one level, order only one Master Lesson Plan Book.
Click here to view Sample Lesson Plan